Thursday, 15 January 2015

Time Share - 6th Semester Front Office

Time share

Definition :  Time share is a marketing concept in which hotels are marketed on a membership basis. Members can avail accommodation in the time share property by paying the upfront advance for the stay of a fixed number of days every year for a specific number of years.

Salient Points:
v  Time share is a marketing concept
v  It is on a membership basis
v  Specific Period
v  Advance payment

Major International brands for timeshare:

  • Disney
  • Hyatt
  • Starwood
  • Marriots
  • Four Seasons
  • Hilton
  • Ritz Carlton

Domestic Brands :

  • Club Mahindra
  • Kamat Group
  • Sterling resort
  • Toshali Resort
  • Cambay group


Timeshare is any arrangement whether by membership  or agreement whereby a purchaser receives a right to use accommodation for a specific period of time every year and which extends for a period of more than three years.

It started as a simple idea based on the assumption that people do not need vacation lodging accept for a week or two per year. Take a room, cabin or villa and divide ownership into 52 weeks (in practical, it is divided into 51 weeks with 1 week for maintenance). It allows you to purchase 1/51 of the ownership of the house. The next logical step in the development of timeshare was to be able to exchange time in these places between different people who wanted vacation in theses area each year. So, too entitle a customer deals with are time company itself and an exchange company.

Leisure travel has always symbolized luxury, freedom, pleasure and satisfaction. In fact the word luxury is derived from the Latin word luxu, signifying sensuality, abundance and splendor. The Greeks even believed that leisure was the prerequisite for civilized living. Following the independence, our grandfathers worked for a life of freedom and relaxation. It was after all, the promise of democracy. Yet for most of them, the good life remained a dream. Years later, technology would leverage their hard work for our benefit and the generation to come.
Timeshare, as a form of, vacationing, began in the early 1960’s in Europe, when various families share in the ownership of vacation homes. Instead one family owning a vacation home and using it for years, it made more sense to share the time with others. This way each family owned, what they used and shared the upkeep cost proportionally. When this hared vacation home concept came to America in the early 70’s, it took the form of furnished condominium and mega resorts. Like any new concept timeshare had their teething problem. Once renowned for high pressure sales, long term promises and short earn delivery, the industry had undergone regulations both inside and out, greatly improving public acceptance and security. Resort developers discover that greater consumer satisfaction leads to greater profits. Recognizable names like Disney, Marriots, Hilton, Hyatt, Four Seasons, Ritz Carlton, Starwood etc now offer timeshare and they have helped to improve its image. Leading timeshare company in India include Club Mahindra, Sterling resorts and holiday pvt ltd, Toshali resort , Kamat Group ,etc. Today, more and more people are discussing the benefits of timeshare. Till date 45 million household worldwide own a time share and over 5000 resorts, in over 30 countries. In fact, time share is the fastest growing segment in hospitality industry.

Advantages of Time Share

v  Time share membership provides the member immunity from rising costs and inflation. Accommodation is available even after 10 years at the amount paid today as per the current value of money. More over it has a one time cost for the customer.

v  Time share has an emotional connect as it is a commitment of the member to his family of spending quality time with them every year

v  Time share stay is safer for a member compared to conventional hotels as only the members are given a right to admission. All the guests staying in timeshare are properties are known to the management and they primarily constitute family clientele.

v  Depending upon the company policy members can gift, sell, and transfer their membership to others. Time share may also be considered as an investment in such cases.

v  Facility of exchange provides large range of options for time share members.

v  Overall cost of time share holiday comes out to be less expensive in the long run of time.

v  From the time share company’s perspective there is a guarantee of business and sgenerally it is not affected by recession.

v  Advance payment received by the company helps them to repay their loans. This reduces the interest cost burden on the property and substantially lowers the fixed cost of the property.

v  Time share industry is an employment generator for the locals and it helps in promoting domestic tourism.

Disadvantages of Time Share

v  Large amount taken as an upfront payment is a major deterrent for potential customers.
v  Fly –by- night operators have created a negative publicity for the time share industry and create an anxiety in the mind of the buyer.
v  Sometimes timeshare companies do not provide quality service which creates negative word of mouth publicity for the industry.
v  Time share industry has a very high marketing cost which reduces the profit margin of the promoter.
v  Maintenance cost is high for time share properties.
v  Time share membership is considered expensive by a buyer when he starts calculating the interest component and other associated costs on his investment.
Government’s Role in Time Share

Although, government should not be in the business of running a business but it’s their job to facilitate an environment which is conducive for business. This creates an atmosphere in which confidence of the investor is high and they can focus only on running their business instead of focusing on other issues.
Some of the areas where government plays a pivotal role in time share industry are listed as below:

(1)   Security: Safety and security is an important concern for any industry and specifically so for tourism industry. No tourist wants to visit a destination where he perceives a threat for his life or belongings. It is government’s duty to ascertain that law enforcement agencies such as Police and Para-military work properly to maintain security at the destination. At some places government has also started a concept of tourist police who are specifically responsible for policing in tourist areas.

(2)   Infrastructure: Time share industry is dependent upon infrastructure provided by government to run its operation and to facilitate the convenience of its customers. The infrastructure to be provided by government includes proper roads, continuous supply of electricity, clean drinking water, sewage pipe lines, garbage disposal facility, street lighting, etc.

(3)   Loans and Subsidies: Time share industry is capital-sensitive. It requires huge initial investment to start a time-share business. Government can play an important role in this regard by providing financial assistance on a loan basis through nationalized banks and through other financial institutions. Government also provides subsidy on interest of these loans and other things like import duty, excise duty, etc. to promote industry which is in a nascent stage.

(4)   Regulatory Body: Time share industry has received a setback due to unscrupulous activities of the fly-by-night operators which resulted in loss of credibility for the industry. Government in this case helps the industry by playing the role of a regulatory body which curbs the dishonest players and controls the financial transactions between the properties and their members.

(5)   Taxation: Government’s role also includes collecting taxes and dues from the time share operators and the money collected from the taxation is then used for infrastructure and developmental activities in the region.

AIRDA: The industry must protect the right of both consumers and the industry in order to have a long term profitable business, to protect the rights of travelers/ consumers and the timeshare properties an association by the name “All India Resort Development Association (AIRDA)” was formed.  Most of the important timeshare properties are today the member of AIRDA.  And the slogan given by them is “Ensuring fair practices.  Assuring Safe Holidays.”


With timeshare, you own a portion of time within years. There are two common methods for ownership of time:-
·         Fixed weeks
·         Flexi weeks
In fixed weeks, you buy a timeshare for specific week/weeks during a year. This is the most straight forward method, since you can deposit the timeshare directly or the one, you find yourself.
Under flexi weeks, you purchase the right to a certain block during the week. But others also have right of  those weeks and you might have to negotiate for the availability.


Some timeshare programs have further expanded their offering with multiple locations, within the same timeshare organization. The obvious advantage of such an arrangement is the additional flexibility to visit others timeshare in other location, which belong within the group. Some assign you a ‘home resort’ with the right to ‘internal exchange’ for other resorts, while others are totally open, depending on your reservation request.

Maintenance and Fees

Maintenance Fee
The maintenance fee is an annual charge that goes toward the upkeep of your timeshare. Your maintenance fee usually covers property taxes, insurance, utilities, cable, telephone and all property upkeep, such as furniture, carpet ant the resort’s common facilities. The resort’s Homeowners Association usually decides upon the fee.
Transfer Fee
A transfer fee is what resorts charge to transfer the ownership from one party to another. The fee applies directly to resale timeshares. Transfer fee are determined by the resort and vary.
Recording Fee
As in all deeded properties, the recording fees are the nominal costs associated with the country from which the deed is being drawn. It is the country to which the timeshare resort is located.
If a resort’s maintenance fee does not have a built in reserve fund for replacement and or major repairs, the timeshare homeowners association may reserve the right to charge a special assessment in the event improvements or repairs are required

Split in time share :
Time share is an ownership of a fixed number of days every year. As an example it may be  2 weeks per year for next 10 years. Some companies may allow its members to split this time  to twice a year or thrice a year vacations. It is known as split and its done with prior intimation to the time share company. Some companies may also allow to club the time share of two years again with prior intimation.

They are apartotels or apartment hotels. These units are developed on joint ownership
basis.  Each ownership purchases and has full right of and unit he has purchased and shares the cost common to the complex such as taxes, insurance, maintenance and upkeep of public areas including swimming pool, health club, parking, security, air conditioning, heating, cable, broad band, etc.  Each owner can occupy or sell his unit independently but is required to follow the rules and regulations laid by the management.  The owner enjoys the benefits of property, appreciation but need not bother about its maintenance, security, upkeep, insurance etc.  He is required to pay yearly maintenance charges.  In some cases a corpus can be made and the maintenance expenses are paid from the interest earned from the corpus.  In some cases the management can help the owner in renting out the property.  They take the full responsibility of the owners’ units’ safety and also pay to the owner a major portion of the rent earned from renting out.  Usually, the management requests the owners to rent out in case of major conferences.  The management earns a major portion by renting out conference hall and from catering.


You can purchase a timeshare either to use yourself as a vacation or to exchange other timeshare for other location. If you choose to go with the independent exchange company, you need to prove the timeshare availability for that week and that all the utilities and maintenance are paid for. Making a time share available with the exchange company for a week, you should expect to be able to choose the timeshare of similar value and for same amount of time.
Some exchange companies allow you to browse their space-bank (a term for the time shares that are available at one exchange company), before having to place deposit your own timeshare, while others require you to deposit a timeshare before accessing their space-bank. You will specify the geographic location, the time of the year, length of stay, minimum size unit and any amenities you would like. If you don’t immediately find, what you want, it is only because the exchange company may not be having at that moment. Everything in the time share depends on availability and that fluctuates daily.
RCI is the largest and the first exchange company for timeshares.

Resort condominium International
RCI  is a division of the firm Wyndham Worldwide (spin-off from Cendant).Founded in 1974 by Jon and Christel DeHaan, it has grown to become one of the larger brokers of timeshare trades and has evolved from that into travel clubs. RCI's CEO and president is Geoffrey A. Ballotti. RCI's corporate headquarters is in Parsippany, New Jersey. Currently, RCI's biggest competitor in the timeshare market are Dial An Exchange (DAELive) and Interval International.
 RCI has over 6,300 affiliated resorts in over 100 countries around the world. Its membership base is approximately 3.8 million members worldwide. RCI operates two main exchange programs - RCI Weeks and RCI Points It is the registered international organization which facilitates exchange of timeshare between members. RCI has an access to 400,000 rooms in more than 100 countries.

Although RCI is affiliated with over 6300 resorts worldwide, their role in the timesharing industry is to provide exchange services to vacation owners at affiliated properties.  RCI does not buy or sell timeshare weeks.

RCI prioritizes exchange requests according to established Trading Power guidelines. The Trading Power of customer’s deposited holiday is based on the supply, demand, and usage of the week, resort and area they deposit. Other factors that influence deposit's Trading Power include season, unit configuration, the resort's Vacation Experience Profile (VEP), and how early you deposit the vacation time with RCI.  Depositing your week in deposit System early, and submitting an exchange request well in advance, maximizes opportunity to confirm a desired exchange

Interval International

Interval International logo.jpg
Key people
Number of employees
5,000 (2012)
Interval Leisure Group
"The Quality Vacation Exchange Network"

Interval Leisure Group, Inc., or ILG, is a global publicly traded company. ILG is the parent company of Interval International, a leading global provider of membership and leisure services to the vacation industry. As of December 31, 2012, nearly 2,800 resorts located in over 75 countries participated in Interval's primary exchange network. As of that date, the Membership and Exchange segment had approximately two million members enrolled in its various membership programs including approximately 1.8 million in the Interval Network. The biggest competitors for Interval are RCI, Dial An Exchange (DAE) and Platinum Interchange. Interval is the second largest timeshare exchange company after RCI

Marketing of Time share

Effective marketing is one of the most important aspects of the success or failure of time share business. Problems faced in the marketing of time share may be listed as below:

v  Negative image of the industry: Some dishonest people in the industry who vanished after collecting money from members have created a negative image of the industry. This makes it difficult for the marketers to convince a customer to buy membership unless the timeshare company is backed by a very reliable brand. 

v  Large upfront payment: As advance taken as a membership fees is relatively large it substantially reduces the total market size of the potential buyers.

v  Intangibility: Hospitality experience is largely intangible as comfort, friendliness; courtesy etc. can not be measured but only experienced. Marketer finds it difficult to convince the potential buyer as they can not carry their product along with them but can only create a mental image or show pictures, video etc.

v  Cost: Cost of marketing is relatively very high because company has to reach different cities in the country through their own executives and time share product can not be sold through travel agents unlike in the case of conventional hotels.

v  Lack of holidaying culture: In India holiday culture particularly the concept of leisure vacations is still in an infancy stage. This makes it difficult for marketer to convince the customer as there is no pressing compulsion on the buyer to purchase a holiday product.

v  Uncertainty of future : As timeshare business is about selling a product for future use and the future itself is considered to be uncertain by most of us it creates a conflict in the mind of the buyer whether to buy this product or not.